My parents have a stray cat they "rescued" last year. It comes and goes as it pleases and not long ago my parents found out it was pregnant. It had the kittens a couple weeks ago. Yes, they are cute. No, we aren't getting one. Long story short, my parents were in Austria and France all of last week on vacation and asked me to drive over every day to take care of the cat. One minor detail they forgot to address was giving me a key to their house. My dad thankfully had told me how the window on my brother's old bedroom could be "wiggled" open and in case of emergency I could get in that way. "Oh good" I thought to myself as I drove over the first day they were gone, realizing I was going to have to basically break in their house. Well, once at their house I tried and tried to no avail to wiggle that window open. I thought perhaps my dad had gotten the specific window wrong, perhaps he meant the window in MY old room. So I proceeded to "wiggle" that window as well. As I was wiggling trying to slide the window open while putting as little pressure as possible on the glass I actually put my entire hand through the glass, effectively breaking the whole pane. Miracle of miracles I did not have one iota of a scratch on my wrist or hand. I thanked God for that! I was able to get in through the broken window and find the house key so I could come in through the front door the rest of the week and care for the kitties. So now I can say I have broken into a house...gotta go so I can check that off my list of life goals!
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