Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy (late) 4th of July!

All of the neighbors started popping firecrackers 2 days before the 4th of July. Pyromaniacs. Therefore, I have chosen to blog about this celebration 2 days after. Okay, the truth is Tim and I ate a delicious 4th of July meal at my mother-in-laws, have been shopping the last 2 days and made numerous trips to Starbucks so I've been away from my computer a bit. Earlier in the week on Wednesday, the kids and I went to storytime and the theme for the craft was (drum roll please)....4th of July! Andrew and William made really cute "Firecracker" hats. William refused to wear his, or even put any decorations on it since he is a boy of few frills. Andrew with help from me finished his lovely creation and even agreed to wear it. Here are both our cuties in front of the library showing off their crafts.