Friday, September 24, 2010

New Lease on Life (pun intended)

It has been quite a while since I updated our family blog. Okay, that is a HUGE understatement of course since I haven't written anything in over a year. Here is a quick recap of the last year and 4 months:

-Andrew started potty training around March 2010, excelled at it even going as far as using the regular toilet not the little potty seat, but decided underwear are not as comfortable as diapers. He makes the funniest facial gestures that look like faces and adult would make and although he is currently still saying things like "kepup" (ketchup), "celewy" (celery), "shalad" (salad), and "last day" (yesterday)he can say everything now and had a wonderful Monsters Inc. themed 3rd birthday this past January.

-William turned 5 this past April and had a Pokemon themed birthday. He continues to draw like crazy and just recently started coming up with crafts to make on his own. He still goes in cycles of the kinds of toys or shows he likes. Thanks to big sis Jordan he started loving Pokemon and is now in Smurf mode thanks to Daddy. He can now read EVERYTHING you put in front of him and only a few weeks ago after Tim finished reading the them William asked if he could stay up and read a book to himself! We started homeschooling this past August now that William has started Kindergarten.

-Dan Dan (Jordan) had a busy summer with dance camp and church camp and has now started her senior year! She and Tim already did their father/daughter dance for the year and although the boys and I didn't get to go we got to see a video of their awesome dancing skills. She was elected secretary of the choir and is looking forward to finishing her last year of highschool.

We moved the whole family back to The Woodlands July 1st so we could move in before our 3rd son was born. His due date was July 19th but he made us wait until July 26th to finally arrive. Our newest baby, Philip James Thomas was born at 7:12am and was 8lbs 7oz. So far he is the most laid back baby and very easy going. Selling a house, moving, organizing, having a baby, starting homeschooling and everything in between has been a lot of work and a bit crazy at times but we've finally settled into things and look forward to all the fun things this school year has in store!